10 Results found for "white/white tie_wiktionary_white/ro".


tie cable tie chain tie cross-tie cup tie gut-tie hair tie kipper tie Oxford tie power tie railroad tie railway tie school tie shoelace tie shoe-tie soul...


inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout § Translations. Translations to be checked this place this...


regulatory offence sex crime sexual offence summary crime time crime war crime white collar crime   capital crime consensual crime crime buster crimebuster crime-buster...


edition of Wiktionary (cat): Thaï Borrowed from Thai ไทย (tai). Doublet of Tai and Dai. IPA(key): /taɪ/ Rhymes: -aɪ Homophones: taille, tie, Ty Thai (comparative...


302: She feathered her arrows in the Seneca fashion, two lengths of feather tied on with a spiral twist, so they would spin in flight. The trick was to glue...


instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout § Translations. Translations to be checked cream (not comparable) Cream-coloured; having a yellowish white colour. crème...


size shoesmith shoesole shoe spoon shoestore shoe store shoestring shoe-tie shoetop shoe tossing shoetree shoe tree shoe up shoe verb shoewear shoe wedge...


inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout § Translations. Translations to be checked blow air through...


Zondra, whose dirty-blond hair waterfalled above her head from a colorful tie, gave a snorting, horsey kind of laugh. 2008, John Gardner, No Human Enemy...


to receive a hook, pin, rope, shaft, etc.; for example, at the end of a tie bar in a bridge truss, through a crank, at the end of a rope, or through...